What We Do?
The simple and straight answer to the question is "We Promote Agriculture". Yes, Our main objective is to promote agriculture and enhance the livelihood of farmers, especially the small and marginal. We strive towards making every farmer a successful person in his / her business of agriculture. We join hands with the farmers and form a business partnership in order to help them over come their agribusiness challenges. We also help them widen their business scope and achieve maximum productivity by integrating various other business enterprises like poultry, dairy etc.
Increasing Production and Productivity
We provide regular consultations to our farmers in deciding the crop / variety to be cultivated, best package of practices to be followed etc. All our field staff are either Doctorates / Post graduates/ Graduates / Diploma holders in agriculture or allied subjects. We deploy them on the field to provide consultation to farmers so that better decisions are taken in farming. Our field staff consult with the local agri department, research stations and come up with the best package of practices for the region to be followed by our farmers. They also visit the fields regularly to provide consultations to farmers. we help the farmers do agriculture in a more scientific way, which directly contributes to increase in production and productivity levels.
Better Mechanisation For Higher Productivity
Since the land holdings of small and marginal farmers is very little, they cannot afford and is not viable to purchase machineries. Mostly these farmers rent the machines or use traditional manual methods for tillage purposes. We make mechanisation possible and affordable for the small and marginal farmers. We deploy our machinery at our member farmers' lands for cultivation purposes free of rental cost. The farmer just spends for the fuel cost which is a considerable reduction on the overall farming cost. For non-member farmers, we rent the machineries at a subsidised rates and this rent is sued for maintenance of the machineries.